
Paradiscal Mediterranean with designer Luciana Ribeiro and Pushka Home

We chatted with architect and summer home competition winner Luciana Ribeiro about what inspired her winning board.

June 27, 2024
6 min

What is your background as a designer?

I am an architect and interior designer based in Lisbon, Portugal. When I dive into projects, I like to work in each layer of the space, creating a unique and personalized narrative. I always imagine the full user experience as well as the small details, such as using a cup of coffee, and that's why I can't disconnect architecture from interior design.


What impact should a summer home have on its guests?

A summer home should bring an idea of paradise. The holiday experience must be completely aligned with its setting, and in this aspect, the summer home must provide comfort and admiration. It must have colors, textures and aromas that are registered in the user's memory as an idyllic time.

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What inspired your Pushka Home-branded mood board?

Without a doubt, my biggest inspiration comes from the architecture of Southern Europe. Its predominant color, white, serves as the perfect base for the textures of stone and earth. Also ancient metals and the various shades of blue found in the sky and sea of this region inspire me. As a touch of nature, the olive leaf emerges as a symbol of the relaxed, slow-paced lifestyle of Southern Europe.

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Why did you choose Antique Brass as your Pushka Home finish of choice?

Antique brass represents the passage of time, which is part of the atmosphere of a historic summer house. In addition to being a material that has great characteristics for a place close to the sea, it is a metal that connects perfectly with the warmth of the earthy materials and stones chosen in this project.

What do you like in particular about Pushka Home products and the Pushka Home brand?

In addition to the diversity of finishes, being able to maintain unified colors across all hardware products for the project makes Pushka Home an ideal supplier. Their quality and designs are versatile and fit perfectly into different interior styles.

What attracted you to the Mediterranean Sea setting you chose?

Water in particular has always been a source of inspiration for me. In the summer, people are more open to slowing down and pursuing a more contemplative way of life and the lifestyle in Southern Europe aligns perfectly with this. It is the "dolce far niente" (sweet doing nothing). I myself seek to spend holidays in this region, and without a doubt have transported many of the images I have from my summers into this project. I searched for materials, textures and colors that would bring back memories of my summer getaways.

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Take us through your process of building this mood board.

I tried to imagine a simple house, but not a basic one. In a paradisiacal location, built with regional techniques and materials. Traditional in character, but aligned with comfort and good quality products.

Where do you look for inspiration for new projects?

I treat each project as unique, molded to the singular characteristics of the clients. Therefore, many of my inspirations come from the life stories of my clients and their personal tastes. I usually do research and then try to immerse myself in their particular interests.

What is your favorite feature of MattoBoard?

I’m so picky with colors, so I love the fact that I can upload and curate my own paint library.

How do you find MattoBoard useful for your design projects?

MattoBoard has become an essential tool for my projects. Since I often work remotely, it gives a very accurate representation of materials, making the approval by the client much easier and speeds up the entire design process.

Mattoboard is a 3D tool for designers. Our drag and drop technology helps you design quickly & experiment endlessly. Stay on trend and use visual storytelling to create mood and material boards.

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