
Modern harmony, with designer Analé Chong and Plank Hardware

We chatted with interior designer and Plank Hardware competition winner; Analé Chong about what inspired her winning board.

September 28, 2023
10 min

What is your background as a designer?

"I'm an enthusiastic industrial and interior designer based in Chihuahua, Mexico. My expertise lies in transforming products and spaces into experiences. My journey into interior design was sparked by the realization about the interwoven rapport between spaces and objects. It dawned on me that the synergy between a product and its surrounding space is a dynamic interplay that goes both ways. In my view, design holds the power to completely reshape the way we engage with our environment."

What inspired your Plank-branded mood board?

"Modern Black and White Harmony. I'm inspired by modern buildings and their clean, simple shapes. I really like the way black and white colors contrast - they show both elegance and clearness."

"When I created my mood board, I wanted to bring the feeling of modern architecture into it. This means using the contrast of black and white to make a strong statement. My goal was to capture the spirit of Plank Hardware's style in a cool and fashionable way on my mood board."

What was your process when building the mood board?

"When creating the mood board for the competition, I embraced a synthesis of design methodologies and intuitive instinct. To commence, I immersed myself in the aesthetics of Plank Hardware and their core values. This served as my bedrock. Additionally, a thorough analysis of their product range provided further insights, affirming that these items should indeed take center stage within the mood board."

"Opting for a black and white color palette was a conscious choice driven by the belief in its potential to yield a profound visual impact, encapsulating a timeless allure. I chose to create a clean and organized geometry to accentuate Plank Hardware's products. Additional elements such as botanical details and other integrated materials were thoughtfully added to infuse personal touches into the concept."

Why did you choose black as your Plank Hardware finish of choice? 

"I personally believe that few colors possess the timeless elegance and enduring appeal of black. While gold and other metal finishes certainly have their allure, I strongly believe that black stands apart as a choice that transcends trends and generations."

What do you like in particular about Plank products and the Plank brand?

"As an interior designer engaged in crafting my own furniture pieces, I find a profound resonance with Plank Hardware's core value of providing stylish hardware at equitable prices. For me, the fusion of form and function is at the heart of design, where each element - from shape and color to intricate hardware - contributes harmoniously to the overall composition."

Where do you look for inspiration for new projects? 

"I really love exploring things that touch me on a personal level, even if they aren't directly related to design. I strongly believe that when you're interested in something, diving into that world can really boost your creativity and knowledge."

"To put it simply, I find inspiration in everyday things around me, especially in those small details that make me stop and notice. Sometimes, the things that inspire me the most are the ones I can't fully understand at first, but they make me curious enough to look deeper and learn."

How do you find Mattoboard useful for your design projects?

"Ever since I discovered Mattoboard, I've been truly impressed by its impact. The extensive range of shapes and materials it offers simplifies the process of translating my ideas into concrete concepts. It's like a game changer for me, providing the perfect tools to bring my visions to life."

What is your favorite Mattoboard feature?

"My favorite feature of Mattoboard is its real-time rendering engine. It's impressive how quickly you can visualize the interactions of various materials and shapes."

Mattoboard is a 3D tool for designers. Our drag and drop technology helps you design quickly & experiment endlessly. Stay on trend and use visual storytelling to create mood and material boards.

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