
Clara's Career Pivot to Interior Design

From building the perfect portfolio to going solo in the interior design sphere, Clara shares her personal career pivot journey.

January 29, 2023
10 min

Have you ever had the dream of becoming a full-time interior designer? It can be an incredibly exciting and rewarding career – from designing beautiful homes to making your own schedule. But the transition from hobbyist to professional isn’t easy, and it requires dedication, creative thinking, and hard work.

Starting her career as a nurse, Clara always wanted to help people. But like most, when the pandemic hit, she started to question her career choice as to whether nursing was the right route for her. After a lot of thought, training and sleepless nights, she is now a full time interior designer and has never looked back. Read on to find out her 5 easy tips for making that career move to interior design.

First, how bad do you want it?

Everyone has moments in their career when they question is this right for me? Am I doing what I always dreamed of? But when at these cross roads, not many take the plunge. Whether its circumstances or fear, you need to ask yourself how bad do you want it? Clara, a school nurse turned interior designer from Madrid, asked herself just this and since then, has never looked back.

Her love for helping others, through providing medical support and care, gave her a sense of purpose in life. But when the pandemic arrived, all of this changed; Clara was thrown into a reality where she couldn't provide the help she so much desired to give. Suffering with an internal conflict of wanting to help but lacking the power to, she questioned if her chosen outlet to support people was right for her. Like many others in the pandemic, Clara asked herself:

'If this profession is not for me, which one is? What things do I like? What innate abilities do I have? What can I contribute to society with my heart?'

It was after this reflection Clara decided to reinvent herself. Having loved interior design from an early age, she soon realized this was the pathway that would lead her to pure fulfillment. Finding the perfect solution to channel her creative side and desire to help others, Clara re-discovered her love for Interior Design.

'My mother was always passionate about fact she was always moving furniture around the house and I think that somehow helped me to understand space and how the distribution of a house can influence the coexistence and functionality of the home.'

Recognizing that you are feeling unsatisfied with your career and finding the power to change can be the biggest obstacle, but once you do, everything will fall into place. Just remember to look within yourself as your creative side may be laying dormant waiting to escape.

Be prepared to study

Visualization from Clara's project, Zaragoza

So you've made the decision to make the big move, but wait... you're not qualified?! Don't let the daunting thought of studying put you off, there are a diverse range of programs available to suit whatever situation you find yourself in. Clara had one child and one on the way but this didn't deter her. In fact, the thought of providing the best life she could for her children only added fuel to her fire.

'I trained at the Escuela Madrileña de Decoración, a school that offers Masters endorsed by the European University of Madrid. I have also taken courses with international interior designers like Erinn from V Design Group and I am still training today. '

Clara chose a traditional route into interior design, but there are many ways to learn and there are a wide variety of different courses available to suit your lifestyle. Remember education is an investment, so choose carefully and do your research.

Improving your knowledge and skills shouldn't stop at design school. From new trends to the latest tech, Clara recommends constantly staying up to date with industry news via trade magazines, blogs and even Instagram. Connecting with like minded people in the industry is another key to success as there is always an opportunity to learn from their lived experiences.

'Reach out to professionals that have already achieved success to get their unique perspectives. Continue to learn, be curious and ask questions! Even if you think you know it, there is always something new you can learn or review.'

Build a beautiful portfolio

Visualization from Clara's project Zaragoza

Building a portfolio when starting a career in interior design is an integral part of the process that can not be ignored. Knowing the importance of this, Clara started creating design solutions for various 'made up' client scenarios before starting her studies. Then, during her Masters, she used her university project work as the foundation for her portfolio.

'What people like to see is the before and after of a room or a house so it’s powerful to show a house as it was before it passed through your hands. That's where they imagine that you can do the same with their home.'

But don't worry about your portfolio being perfect, remember you're just starting out! The main thing is to show what you are capable of. Communicate your creative power and sell a dream. You may even have to rely heavily on your imagination at first, but if you're a natural creative, this shouldn't be too hard.

'I did the best I could and uploaded it to social media. You have to start showing what you have, even if you think it's not perfect.'

Don’t be afraid of going solo

You're finally qualified! But wait...what now? Design firm or go at it alone? A great portfolio will set you up for whichever path you feel is right for you.

Going solo, Clara decided to start her own independent design studio; Studio Stilo and has found it to be extremely rewarding, enabling her to learn at a rapid rate. Without the guidance and support from someone else to rely on, she had to become self-sufficient in every aspect of her business. From marketing and training to budgeting and managing, being independent isn't easy and requires a lot of hard work.

'Working for myself has helped me learn at lightning speed. With no one to help you or guide you, you need to be everything: your own boss, your own marketing, take time to train, learn, know, etc…'

But hard work pays off and with working for yourself you can reap some great benefits. Experience is experience and whether you gain this from a design firm or from your own journey with your clients, the result is the same. It's important you choose a path that suits your current and desired lifestyle.

'At 30 years old, I prefer to have a more flexible schedule and not depend on a fixed schedule of a boss and a company that is not your own.'

Ultimately, you need to decide if it is better for you to spend a few years in a company learning their processes, gaining valuable industry experience or if you are strong and capable enough to take more responsibility and go solo.

Branding yourself & getting your first client

Studio Stilo on Instagram

So you want to go solo? Great! But how do you get yourself out there? Personal branding can make or break you in the design world, so getting it right and spreading the word about your business is vital.

'My first client came from social media based on work I had been uploading. It was a kitchen renovation in Marbella.'

It can take a while to land your first client, but once you have achieved this, the rest gets a little easier. Clara's breakthrough came from her use of Instagram to exhibit work and to draw in clients. Not only does Instagram let her showcase her designs, it is also a great platform to connect with her audience and build relationships that can turn into future clients. From reels to infographics, Clara makes use of Instagram's best features to reach her audience and isn't afraid to show her face and speak to her followers. This personal connection she creates is invaluable as it builds trust, likability and most importantly, clients.

'I think having a personal brand strengthens and differentiates you from the rest. You start to see your business as a set of values and a mission that you feel and resonate with. You become unified with your brand and then gain security and confidence.'

But Clara's online presence doesn't stop at Instagram. We live in a digital age where personality, creativity and digestible information sells. So take advantage of other platforms such as creating your own website, jumping on TikTok or even uploading Youtube videos to connect with your audience. The more platforms you are on, the more people you will reach! Remember, no one else will be able to promote you better than yourself.

'Social media is your own reality show and you have to take care of it and make use of it.'

Clara’s journey to becoming a freelance interior designer is one to be admired. Through her determination and perseverance, she managed to successfully pivot her career and chase her dreams. Maybe you're considering a career change to Interior Design or something else creative, but if you're not in the right mindset to take the plunge, remember to always cultivate your creativity.

'If you feel good, you gain health.'

Life is too short to be stuck in a career that doesn’t bring you joy, hopefully Clara's career change story has inspired you to chase your dream role.

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